About Us

“Herbile envisions to be the global brand of choice for vegetarian, non-prescription healthcare remedies & revolutionary solutions for promoting general well-being.”

India's huge assortment of spices and flavors have been archived in sacred writings and recored in one the oldest medical treatise on the planet. It has 50,000 plant species, 30% of the organic producer on the planet and is the second biggest exporter of herbal medicines. From this place where there is bio-variety and plenitude arises Herbile.

Our founders are committed to develop proudly Indian and globally relevant Carefully Crafted Remedies, using their combined industry experience of over 20 years at the leading international supplements brand Nature’s Bounty and the domestic herbal goliath Dharmani Heath & Fitness.

Similar to their backgrounds, our formulations amalgamate cutting-edge modern research in radical ingredients and ancient Indian wisdom of traditional herbs to create a gold standard products range for the discerning customers.